I guess I had to steal the title from
dad's post to mom. Mom has been 28 my whole life, and probably will be forever. Not only has she stayed young at heart over the years, but she still looks young. It must've been that salty California air. On this, mom's 28th birthday, I'd like to share a little about why I love her and why she deserves this very-happy-birthday post.
Mom loves music. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of me singing along to the Judds with mom. I was convinced that mom and my sisters were going to be famous country-music stars, and I still think they could've been. Maybe mom should try out for Idol next year. They allow 28-year-olds on that show, don't they? I thank mom for my love of music, singing, etc., even if it has evolved into a love for bands like
Vampire Weekend and Yacht.

Mom, with their ex-neighbor's CD

Mom and the gang at the Bluebird Cafe
Mom is a very nice person and always taught me to be nice to others. I have been blessed and cursed with that practice my whole life, starting in the
first grade. Mom always remains cool and collected in stressful situations, and has taught me to think before I speak, because once I've said something, I can't take it back. Those are words to live by.

After (or before--I wasn't there) dad was called to the stake presidency

On "Dumbo" right after I got home from the mish
Mom worries about her kids and loves to hear from us regularly. From a very young age, I started the habit of checking in with mom when I got home from school, or dances, or
smoke-filled honky tonks, no matter what the hour. I'm glad that I have always been able to call mom and talk to her about life or talk to her about nothing at all. To this day, there is rarely a day when I don't call mom to "check in" and talk about things. I'm glad she's there for me.

Once again, mom at my
favorite restaurant, Lucille's
And eating somewhere else for dad's/my birthday last year
Mom is generous. We joke about it now (and we joked about it at the time), but mom and I always said that it wasn't "her" checking account, but it was "our" checking account, and deep down inside I don't know if mom would have had it any other way. It is much easier for mom to spend money on others than it is for her to spend money on herself. If she didn't have dad to dress her and take care of her, she'd probably be fine living in a box and wearing burlap. Okay, she might not be okay with that, but she always puts her kids before herself, and I hope to be just as selfless as she is when I'm a parent.
Mom loves dad. She has been dad's silent supporter all of my life. She supported dad in all his Church callings and still supports him in his very hectic life. She always made sure that we supported dad, and taught us (the kids) to always speak highly of our family to others.
I owe my mom for who I am, and I'm okay with that. I hope she knows how much I love her, appreciate her, and admire her. She is a Christlike woman who serves for the sake of serving and does good without seeking recognition. The world would be a better place if everyone had a mother like her.
Oh, and I really think it's cool that she's been to an Alice Cooper/Santana concert.

Happy birthday, mom!