Robyn and I liked it so much that we decided to try a non-class ski trip to Brighton. One night, probably a Friday, Robyn and I drove up to Brighton with some friends and tried our luck at the slopes without an instructor cheering us on and correcting our style. It was a horrible night.
None of us really enjoyed Brighton. It was cold, windy, dark, and crowded. We were surrounded by skiers, amateurs and experts, but that wasn't the worst part. We were being danced around by snowboarders. It was at Brighton that I decided I really didn't like night skiing and that snowboarders and skiers really do belong on different mountains (they're like oil and water).
By the end of the night at Brighton, the girls had cold feet and that's not the least of it. On my last run down the mountain, some idiot was skiing backwards and ran into me. He was wearing a helmet, we knocked heads, I briefly blacked out, and he skied off, leaving me flat on the ground with my goggles ten feet in one direction and my skis ten feet in the other direction. When I tried to sit up, the pain I felt pointed only to one thing: a broken rib. I hope to never go back to night ski at Brighton.
Yesterday was as far away from Brighton as I could get. I went skiing with 40 of my closest friends at Deer Valley, which is consistently rated number one among ski resorts in North America. What's more? All of our lift passes were free!

You can't beat this!
The morning started at 7:30 AM. Cody and Marianne showed up at my door ready to drive up to Deer Valley. We stopped at McDonald's for breakfast, and then we were off. We were on the slopes by 10:00 AM, ready for a day of the finest skiing in the world.
The resort was great in so many ways. It had innumerable lifts and runs and no snowboarders. The sun poked through the clouds throughout the day, and everyone on the slopes was very friendly. I can't stop thinking about how much I need to start my new life as a ski bum in Park City. Enough of Sundance, I need Deer Valley. To quote Homer Simpson, "Why eat hamburger when you can have steak?"

My roommates Adam and Rod and me

The classic thumbs up

Marianne and me

A closer look at Marianne's wicked hott sunglasses

It was my roommate Justin's first time on the slopes. He couldn't have found a nicer mountain to fall down.
Oh yeah, I had to work last night at 5:00 PM. I wanted to stay on the slopes 'til five, but I had to leave at 3:00 PM to be back for work. Apparently, I was indespensible (I tried getting a sub, but they wanted me). Anyway, it was a good thing I went to work, because I served Shawn Bradley. I didn't recognize him at first, but I guess when you see a 7'6" guy, you can probably assume it's him.

We exchanged words. He was supposed to only take one candy bar during halftime, but I told him he could take as many as he wanted. He took three.